DCP Reading Editions
Plain Text Reading Editions of Works Written by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673)


Our principal goal at the Digital Cavendish Project is to provide access to resources for the study of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673). Currently, there are few available full-text editions of Cavendish's works and there are even fewer works freely available online that aren't pieces of editions. With these Reading Editions, we hope to provide readable plain text editions of Cavendish's works as they were printed. We have not normalized spelling, nor have we made any editoral changes that don't involve issues of readability (the plays have names that are bolded to make them easier to read). However, we tried to keep each edition as close to the original printed text as possible. We hope that you read and enjoy these texts and use in your own classrooms and scholarship.